Kindle Publishing-- Why Publish your Book on Kindle?

Unless you're Stephenie Meyer, Dan Brown, or JRR Tolkien, you won't be able to have the same success as they did when you publish your own book. One of the proponents of digital publishing is Kindle and its Kindle Publishing Program, which allows authors to publish digital copies of their essays and novels and distribute it to the Kindle network.
While authors may find it attractive to publish their work digitally, Internet marketers should not ignore Kindle's program, and here's why:
The question as to whether or not printed and digital books can live together is yet to be answered. Most of the technology present today, from smartphones to tablets to Kindle, has allowed users to view digital copies of their favourite books.
2.)Your books need not be as long as a traditional book-- Quality content is one of the most important factors that will guarantee your eBook's success. When you have an eBook about Internet marketing that's only 50 pages yet packed with quality, it's going to beat books that are 300 pages thicker that have no substance. In this day and age, people are in a hurry and they don't have the luxury of reading a 300 page book about Internet marketing or any other topic.
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3.)Cost of publication is lower-- Publishing your book on Kindle is free, which removes the burden of hiring agents or publishers. However, if you really want to make your book look good, you may want to hire a graphics artist to do the book cover, an editor to check your work, and so on.
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Digital books are not limited to Kindle-- Any smartphone or tablet can view PDF and other digital file formats. If one doesn't have a Kindle but has an iPhone or Android smartphone, he or she can enjoy the luxury of reading your digital book via their phone.
Digital publication is making waves and Internet marketers should take advantage of this skyrocketing growth and demand for digital content. Publishing your content on Kindle is something that you shouldn't ignore.